Thanks for visiting! Here is a little information about us — a very lively, happy mix of ages, personalities, talents, flaws and imperfections– redeemed by the blood of Christ, and united by a common passion for the Lord Jesus and His Kingdom.

The Crew

First, God gave me my wonderful wife (my best friend, editor, accompanist, right arm, and love of my life) in 1999.

Then, we were joined by one little person after another, from 2000 until 2016. Today, we have one son and one daughter in college, one married son (gaining one daughter-in-law!) and five children still at home. Our home is presently blessed with plenty of life, love, and laughter, and enough noise to bring us to our wits’ end on a regular basis. We do love music and singing together as a family.

Our crew is comprised of Joshua (23), Ethan (21), Katelyn (19), Samuel (15), Tobiah (12), Olivia (10), Annalise (8), and Micah (6). God has been very good.

The Journey

We come from a heritage of Christ-followers. We are blessed to have God-fearing parents who instilled in us a love for the Lord and His word, and whom we love dearly. I am also blessed to come from a church ministry background. My father is a Baptist pastor, and I was honored and fortunate to serve as his assistant for nineteen years. During that time, I oversaw many areas of church ministry. We also had the privilege of working with a Christian music publishing company in our spare time. This was in many ways a musical dream come true for us. We made many dear friends through the ministry of Bible Truth Music. All of this was a period in our lives that as a family we will forever treasure.

In 2019, God shook things up in our lives and expanded our horizons beyond what I had ever imagined. I am now employed by Aardsma Research and Publishing, my father-in-law’s research work and ministry.

The Goal

I love communicating truth to others. My life commitment is to follow the One who is the Truth. As a family, we desire to encourage and challenge believers to know God more fully (a never-ending pursuit!) and to earnestly and faithfully play their part in filling the earth with the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. So many have given to us, and I pray that this blog will be just one way we can give back to others. At times, what will be uploaded here will take some of us to some new territory. My prayer is that what is written will always be helpful, edifying, and God-honoring. Also, check out our ministry Truth in Time where we present the Bible in real-world history. We would love to talk to you about ministering in your church or institution through music and teaching.

We are a work in process…

Yes, we are, and we would count it an honor to have you along to grow with us. I really am excited to be able to share some of the things I believe God has been teaching us, and to hear your feedback. If you would like to keep up with this blog, you are invited to subscribe. You will then receive email notifications whenever an article is posted. The subscribe option is on the sidebar, or scroll through on mobile devices. You can also connect with us on social media.

Along the way I hope to share contributions from various members of our family. Thanks for joining us! Feel free to contact me at the email below, or fill out the form on the Contact page.
