Solving Mysteries of the Egyptian Pyramids

When you think of ancient Egypt, one of the first things that come to mind would probably be the massive pyramids, built during Egypt’s great Old Kingdom. Mystery has surrounded these ancient monuments, and rightly so! Many questions have been raised, such as, how were the pyramids built? Where did the ancient Egyptians get the construction techniques used to build these structures? Where did the Egyptians obtain the wealth to build the pyramids? And many more.

What if we could go to the Bible as a source to help us understand some of our questions about the Egyptian pyramids? In our latest podcast, Jennifer and I demonstrate that once the biblical chronology has been corrected, a very well-known Bible account gives us information that solves some of the mysteries surrounding the pyramids.

Some of the most important archaeological discoveries and historical records in our world concerning ancient times come from the nation of Egypt. Of course, the nation of Egypt is a key player in some of the stories of the Bible. The history and chronology that we uncover today in Egypt should coincide with the history and chronology that we find in the scriptures.

Unfortunately, those working in these fields have found that the history of Egypt and the history of the Bible seem to be telling two different stories entirely. We now know that this has been due to two major problems.

First, the chronology of the biblical Old Testament has been off an entire millennium. In 1990, Dr. Gerald Aardsma began to understand that traditional biblical chronology was off by a full millennium just prior to 1000 B.C. The evidence for this realization is now beyond any doubt. The ever-growing amount of evidence is being compiled at if you would like to learn more. You are also welcome to check out this podcast where Jennifer and I discuss the missing millennium discovery.

The second problem is the historical chronology of Egypt, which was also found to be missing a section of time. In 1987 it was discovered that radiocarbon dates on samples taken from Old Kingdom monuments were some three centuries older than what had been previously thought. Approximately 300 years had been left out of the chronology of Egypt by the Egyptologists somewhere during what is called the “First Intermediate Period”, the period that follows Egypt’s Old Kingdom. This period of Egypt’s history is very remote, and was also a time of great turmoil in the land, so it is not surprising that there are errors to be corrected.

As both of these chronological errors have been corrected, what emerges is a beautiful harmony between the two.

Chart by Dr. Gerald Aardsma of the chronology of Egypt synchronized with the Biblical time periods and selected Biblical events in the 2nd and 3rd millennia B.C.

In this podcast episode we tell the story of the building of the first pyramid, found in ancient history, and then connect some of the dots to a well-known account in the Bible. With correct biblical chronology, the mysteries of the pyramids begin to unravel.

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